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Craft Fair Survival Tips....for Introverts

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

For Introvert Eyes Only...3 Major tips to get you through every craft show

1. Private Space

I will never stop saying this…

Make space in your booth that can give you a moment to yourself at ANY TIME!

My set up involves tables and crates, among other things, to create levels in my display and I always have a chair (because people who stand for an entire show are putting themselves through unnecessary stress in my personal opinion). If I need to take a second for any reason, all I have to do is sit and I am usually sheltered from people by my crates or mannequins.

No this is not hiding! This is taking a little well-deserved moment to recharge; 5 minutes tops.

If someone is looking at my table, then I stand up and say hello. However, it's importantt to note this method does not always work, especially if the show is really busy with active shoppers. This is definitely the situation that you want, but it’s not as easy to take a second and breathe. Which brings me to my next point…

2. Bring a Partner or Make a Friend

If you know it will be a high traffic show, bring a friend so you can go to the washroom. Worried you’ll miss a sale? Here’s what works for me… I always tell myself, if for some reason I lose a sale because I wasn’t there, then it wasn’t meant to be.

You need to take care of yourself, first! You aren’t going to be much help to people if you’re exhausted and overwhelmed.

If no one is available for the day you need them, make a friend! Us craft fair people are usually all on the same team and look out for one another. It’s easy to make friends, and easy to ask someone to watch your booth for a second.

BUT, keep in mind, their booth comes first. That means, if they’re busy no one is watching your table, so don't take more time than you need.

3. Make NO PLANS

After the show, make NO plans! You will be EXHAUSTED.

Having obligations after a craft fair will be the last thing you want to do. I don’t even have the energy to cook after a market. So either prepare something for leftovers, or Skip the Dishes!

Prepare to veg out, binge watch some Netflix, and recharge!

I hope these tips will help you curb some pre-show anxiety! If you have some ideas to add, please feel free to comment on this post!

If you have any questions at all I am here to help!! Shoot me an email or connect with me on the 'gram @the_introvert_maker


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It's me, Angela!

Addictions: yarn, coffee, and helping other makers grow their confidence!

Drawing of Wool Yarn

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